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Az alabbi szosszenetet a neten szedtem ossze egy emo vagy "emo" srac profiljaban valami tarskeresobol, aki ezt irta a cikk ele (maga a cikk az idezojeltol kezdodik):
This short article was written by a man called Thomas Schlatter. For all the scenster kids out there reading this you may of seen him credited with doing backing vocals on a few songs on Thursday's Full Collapse album but to anybody who is actually sincerely into emo/screamo/hardcore/punk music you will know him as guitarist/vocalist in bands such as You And I, The Assistant and This Ship Will Sink. This article is within the inlay booklet of The Assistant's self titled album. I was recently trying to write an article about the current state of what is now collectively known as Emo, then this morning, while sitting around wondering whether to get up or not I had a quick flick through the booklet and stumbled across this piece. Its more or less what I was trying to say but with rather less name dropping and also has a great point at the end. So read it and see if you agree and for those kids who think Funeral For A friend are a screamo band pick up either of The Assistant's full lengths and actually find out what it really is and to all the emo scensters, stop listening to Story Of The Year or whatever passes as emo these days and purchase a Texas Is The Reason record. I shall be back with an elitist article of my own very soon. I'm pretty sure everyone hates me. Pass this on to your emo friends. Thanks.
"So I figured it out yesterday, or maybe the day before, or maybe a few months ago. It's a sham. This whole punk and hardcore thing. Sometimes I meet some people that make me feel otherwise, but for the most part, I'm convinced that punk and hardcore has become no more sincere than a WB sitcom.
It starts with commodification.
Emo, Emo used to be short for "emotionally driven music." Emo used to mean writing music and playing your heart out, regardless of how you dressed or what you sounded like.
The hardcore and punk community has commodified emo. They've turned it into a style of clothes, a way to actand a certain sound. The truth is, most kids who refer to themselves as "emo" are nothing more than self-absorbed attention hounds. They've taken the purest, most natural aspect of music and put a price tag on it. This makes it hard to distinguish between the "emo" bands and the bands that are truly emotionally playing their hearts out. Seeing bands fall on the floor raise a question to me; are they falling on the ground because its fashionable, to get girls, sell records, etc? Or, are they actually playing, feeling, and understanding the music for the amazing experience that it is. With so many bands demanding ridiculous gaurentees and being more concerned with how ther clothes and hair look, its become discouraging to have to fish out those few bands who are still playing because they love it.
It doesn't matter to me if we're fashionable, if we're on a big label, if we're in a "cool" zine, if we gain the acceptance of some scenster asshole, if we get paid or any of that superficial shit. As far as I'm concerned, all of you fashion scensters are bound to choke on your own attitude and arrogance sooner of later.
All that matters to us is that we do what we love to do.
Emo isn't the only thing in punk that has been commodifiedm its just the most transparent. Take political agenda fir example. Many bands use the whole image of political involvement to gain attention. Once again, its tough to distinguish which bands are just using it as a way to sell records.
Its getting tough to distinguish anything these days. This whole scene sometimes reminds me of a 90210 rerun. My father once told me that in order to do what you love, you sometimes have to play by their rules a little. I don't agree with him, but it seems thats one of the largest trends of hardcore and punk; the golden rule of "kiss some ass and you'll fget whatyou want regardless of your sincerity." My father is an overweight, unhappy, uneducated man, but i must admit he has experience under his belt. I can attest to the fact that that belt can hurt pretty damn bad when he lands a good shot on your back.
So, with the knowledge that punk and hardcore has commodified everything let look at a much larger question.
Punk and hardcore was initiated with the concept of rebellion. It strived to reject what mainstream music and the media was and still is. Its been over 20 years now and as we look, punk and hardcore seemed to have picked up all the habits of mainstream music (superficial fashions, cliques, false sincerity, hunger for money, hunger for popularity, etc).
What does this say about what you're fighting for? We had a chance to do things our way instead we decide to adopt everything w hated about the mainstream, just on a smaller scale. What does that say about humanity?
Perhaps it says that humanity is naturally greedy, apathetic, and superficial. We escape one set of persecution and opression. History plays this out again and again, most recognisably with the discovery of america. So I have to ask, what are we fighting for we know we'll just end up where we started?
Here's my answer.
For those of us who choose not to get caught up in the superficial bullshit, the popularity contests, the scenster hiarchies; for those of us who actually love music, I can honestly say that its worth it. Its worth putting up with all the shit of knowing that you're fighting yourself into a dead end, to just get up there after a week of slaving over school and work, and just pound out all your fustrations for 25 minutes, making a bunch of noise.
Its worth fighting for. Those 25 minutes. Thats where it all happens. "
Varom a fikat, pusszancs!
u.i. The Assistant szovegeket kerestem de sajna nem talaltam. Esetleg van valakinek? |