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Koncert-, turnészervezéshez segítség, kérések

Elejére << Előző < ... 130 | 131 | 132 | 133 | 134 | 135 | 136 | 137 | 138 | 139 | 140 | 141 | 142 | 143 | 144 | 145 | 146 | 147 | 148 ... > Következő >> Végére

© Danválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2008-01-25 13:12:23 (1222)
Hi there,
here is Edo, booking manager for the metal band ARCADIA,how r you doing? Hope good.
Im writing to you cause im planning the new european tour 2008 from feb to july to promote the new release "Cold cold bodies" out in all europe for VALERY RECORDS.
The band has 3 records and 3 usa tours, 3 european tour.
Well what i would like to know if you have some slot available for Feb/March,exactly 26th/27th feb 10th/11th/12th/13th march, cause we ll be there in that period; so if it could be works for you guys please let me know and we ll see what it can be done, ok?
That's all.

Hope to hear you soon.

Cheers :-)

via per Tronzano n. 0
13040 Crova (VC)

arcadiabastardcore kuk tiscali.it
edotama kuk tiscali.it


Niki +39 339.81.12.764

Edoardo +39 338.81.06.334
Demetrio +39 348.73.53.436
Michele +39 334.85.85.925

© válasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2008-01-21 16:24:11 (1221)
A eleg fasza zenet jatszo Turpentine Brothers Europaban turnezik Februarban es Marciusban. Van meg negy szabadnapjuk Ausztria utan. Esetleg meg lehet probalni.


© Danválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2008-01-16 23:38:37 (1220)
Hi, we are Spleen Flipper, hardcore band from Italy.
We're organizing a tour with our friends One Family, since 3rd to 10th May.
Could i have an address where i can send a promostuff?
info kuk spleenflipper.com

© kalozválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2008-01-13 10:36:03 (1219)
[előzmény (1198)]

© Kutyaválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2008-01-12 17:46:56 (1218)
Ebből lehet lesz valami ;)
[előzmény (1217)]

© ruijnválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2008-01-12 17:14:19 (1217)

we're FACE THE FAX from Belgium. we're a fast-paced energetic punkrock trio.
think 90s skatepunk with a twist.
anyways, we're currently planning a mini-tour for the summer in the regions of Slovania, Hungary, Slovakia, Croatie, ...
we'll be crossing Germany and Austria too.

our question to you is:
do you have any contacts of venues you've played or know any people?
so we need all the e-mail adresses and contacts we can, to set up this tour.
our rate is around 150euro per show,

please help us out here.

anything you can come up with is great.
venues, bars, local clubs, ......

please let us know!
thanks in advance.
we might see eachother this summer in one of the venues on our tour.

take care


© Danválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2008-01-12 16:25:27 (1216)
Fasza a csaj hangja!
[előzmény (1213)]

© gYiKválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2008-01-12 16:25:23 (1215)
nemhiszem hogy a PANKKK bárkit megkeresett volna valaha is. arra gondoltam hogy ez ugye 'törvényes' keretek között működik. számla ilyesmi. ezért gondoltam hogy nem jönne össze.
[előzmény (1214)]

© Danválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2008-01-12 16:23:02 (1214)
Remelem a nev elriaszt minden ilyen szart...
[előzmény (1212)]

© gYiKválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2008-01-12 16:21:07 (1213)
amugy ez a 2in1 (ami nem 2v1 véletlen??? :-D) talán punkosabb mint a csajos banda, illetve a Discoballs elég uncsi a myspace-ről.
[előzmény (1206)]

© gYiKválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2008-01-12 16:20:12 (1212)
szerintem ha akarnád se tudnád belekeverni! :-DDD
[előzmény (1208)]

© Danválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2008-01-12 16:19:19 (1211)
ez meg mindig a szervezos topic, nem a mar megszervezett bulik reklamtopicja, bocs.
[előzmény (1209)]

© gYiKválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2008-01-12 16:09:22 (1210)
mi ide csinálnánk egomba, persze visszahívásért. megfigyelem kik is ezek.
[előzmény (1206)]

© válasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2008-01-12 15:38:34 (1209)

© Danválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2008-01-12 14:28:22 (1208)
Na, errol nem is tudok. Persze en a KA!B-ot kihagynam a PANKKK-bol, ha lehet.
[előzmény (1206)]

© Kutyaválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2008-01-12 13:32:31 (1207)
mellékelő = mellőző
[előzmény (1206)]

© Kutyaválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2008-01-12 13:32:02 (1206)
Cseheknél asszem van a 2in1 , velük játszottunk egész jók, ha viszont kicsit tradkóbb, de azért torzitott gitárt sem mellékelő zenekar akkor a Discoballs, zseniálisak, az énekes csajsziba meg szerelmes vagyok :) És utóbbinak csinálnák Pestre is bulit!
[előzmény (1205)]

© gYiKválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2008-01-12 13:22:12 (1205)
hello! hogy lehetne találni valami középkategóriás Ska-Punk bandát (like GaM) az osvátoktól, mert erre lenne ilyen PANKKK pénz, aztán az ilyen lehetőséget ki szeretnénk használni, hogy megmutassuk külhonban is hogy mit tudunk! Aki tud valami faszát szólhat. Akár cseh banda is lehet! kössz

© Danválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2008-01-12 12:31:23 (1204)
Ez ugyanez pepitaban:

Dear personally (until now) unknown Hungarian promoter ;-),

my name is Philipp. I have a small DIY booking agency called "rilleralle
kosmos". I am from Leipzig/East Germany.
You receive that E-mail, because I am planning a tour of "D.H." and
"WOYZECK" (two post-punk, emotional hardcore, wave punk bands from
East-Germany) in March 2008 through Poland, Czech Rep., Hungary, Slovenia,
Serbia, Croatia and Italy.

We are looking for shows in Hungary between the 22.3. and 24.3.2008
The best date (with regard to our routing) would be the 23.3.
In attachment you'll find an info about the tour and also about each band.
The general Tourinfo is important, because it is not a "normal" tour. Its
something like our way to show what unification and unity in times of
Globalization CAN be possible.

I can send you a promo-package as well. Posters, promos and infos are
available. The travel party will consist of 9 persons. They need a warm
dinner and a warm and clean place to sleep, including breakfast. The money
guarantees/door deals etc. depend on the weekdays and the possibilities of
the venue. In general: Money should not be the problem! DIY or die. ;-)

I would be very happy, if you can drop me a line with a small feedback about
our tour and if you would like to set up a show.
Thanks in advance

All the best wishes from Leipzig

D.H.: www.holzhose.de or http://www.myspace.com/dpunkthpunkt
Woyzeck: http://www.woyzeck.de/
D.H. mp3: http://www.27-fingers.net/dh/downloads-neu/endlos-schleifen.mp3
WOYYZECK mp3: http://www.woyzeck.de/sound/03_woyzeck_odysseus.mp3


"It is not the style that matters, it is the emotion…"

That’s exactly what two east-German Post-Punk-Bands (D.H. from Leipzig and
WOYZECK from Berlin) were thinking, when they started planning to go on tour
together. The whole world is talking about Globalization, Networking and
synergetic effects. The “ordinary Joe“ is often just in position as a
viewer, not knowing what this is all about, sometimes even because you don’t
know what to do.
„We can do something!“, D.H. and WOYZECK were thinking. Two bands one
thought - let us start our own - positive supercharged - model of
globalization, networking and synergetic effects. Both bands are bound to
the DIY-philosophy (Do-It-Yourself) not from necessity, but rather because
it is an affair of their hearts to take matters into their own hands.

In spring 2008 the tour will start and D.H. and WOYZECK would like to enter
into discussion about all the questions that concern everyone. They want to
go on tour through the eastern states in Europe, in order to tell stories
with their songs, which deal with our (and maybe also your) lives. They
would like to introduce themselves and to get to know you. They want a
dialogue. They want something (that higher levels often call intercultural
communication) to bring down on a human and authentic level. They want to
discuss differences and similarities.

They would like to tour with a concert-program that will start with
performances of both bands, in order to end with a highlight of a collective
performance. The symbolic musical unification to epitomise these cryptical
terms and definitions called Globalization, Europeanization and so on: The
discovery of a common language and common ideals - which are profitable to


D.H. (emotional post-punk/melodic Hardcore Leipzig/Germany)

D.H. create songs with guitars, bass, drums and german lyrics. D.H. sing of
one voice and for several voices and they are powerful, straight-forward and
first of all they don’t do anything without a reason! Maybe this is the
basis of their music, of the whole band-arrangement…
Their last album „Medusaflöße zu Pflugscharen“ (which means - referring to a
phrase out of the semantic field of abolition of serfdom: “to turn the float
of Medusa into ploughshare”) finally paraphrases the fundamental idea of an
approach to music and to life in general. In spite of the decline of all
societal solidarity, a new global coldness, that leads to global warming and
to more and more disrespectful exposure of power and rising wealth – it is
time to be poised for something not always against anything.
Exactly therefore it exists in this situation also a strong and impulsive
strength for „longing somehow“ and for the small things in life that are
bigger than an Anti-G8-banner.
Four people and their music stand for the faith in going on and on and on…,
because tomorrow can be the day and because they know: “If not ourselves,
who else is there?"...turn this jammertal into paradise, let’s built our own
Solaris… that’s what they are singing. And they are serious.



WOYZECK (wave/indie-punk from Berlin/Germany)

You can buy Anarchy! Revolution is trendy. The ones that aren’t different
from the others are not normal. While these ones are celebrate themselves in
their banality, the other ones use their depressive mood as a club-card.
Ostentatious rebellion, pseudo lifestyles, Punk’s not dead? WOYZECK want to
succeed the spirit of something that was more than playmobil-haircuts and
colourful tattoos. How do they do that?

They set the authenticity of their attitude to life against this situation.
Every day is a new attempt to overcome the daily grind, a fight for youthful
ideals and against the idle compromises of ageing. It is a fight for the own
way – the chance of failure included. Musically there is this attitude to
life somewhere between the compositional variety of wave music and the
overwhelming energy of Punk: straight melodic bass-lines, impulsive drums,
fat 60s guitar-sound and expressive singing are the characteristics of their

The three musicians find oneself in 1990. 1990 in East-Berlin, of course.
That was a special time and a special place to found a band. Woyzeck, the
anti-hero out of the drama by Georg Buechner, hears voices in the self
titled book and is ripped by the people he loves the most. Woyzeck ran up
against society. He was unable to endure that anymore. Referring to this
point Woyzeck - the band - comes into play. They deliver the soundtrack for
the feeling „to be caught between two stools” – between anger, melancholy,
resignation, onset and confidence.


rilleralle kosmos

c/o Stephan & Philipp Seitz
Endersstrasse 26
04177 Leipzig

Tel.: 0341/47 84 97 83 (Philipp)
Tel.: 03441/72 66 90 (Stephan)
Mobil: 0179/477 49 01

E-mail: rilleralle-kosmos kuk t-online.de (Philipp)
E-mail: step.seitz kuk web.de (Stephan)

HP: www.rilleralle-kosmos.de
HP: www.holzhose.de

das rilleralle kosmos Programm:

rilleralle kosmos

c/o Stephan & Philipp Seitz
Endersstrasse 26
04177 Leipzig

Tel.: 0341/47 84 97 83 (Philipp)
Tel.: 03441/72 66 90 (Stephan)
Mobil: 0179/477 49 01

E-mail: rilleralle-kosmos kuk t-online.de (Philipp)
E-mail: step.seitz kuk web.de (Stephan)

HP: www.rilleralle-kosmos.de
HP: www.holzhose.de

das rilleralle kosmos Programm:

© ruijnválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2008-01-08 12:11:58 (1203)
mikor jönnek? :-O
[előzmény (1198)]

© robitválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2008-01-08 10:52:47 (1202)
nem hallgattam bele, de a stílusmeghatározás alapján biztos nem tetszene :-)
[előzmény (1195)]

© Matthewválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2008-01-08 10:50:36 (1201)
A TELJES bevétel kéne nekik? Ez nem pánk :D
[előzmény (1200)]

© Rich_Kid_On_LSDválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2008-01-08 10:47:07 (1200)
hát ha belőlük indulok ki, akkor annyiért amennyit tudsz adni a belépők után.
[előzmény (1196)]

© zs_tválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2008-01-08 10:38:56 (1199)
huhuuuuu, na erre kíváncsi leszek! Vörösben király volt!!! :))
[előzmény (1198)]

© fucktothemusicválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2008-01-08 10:23:23 (1198)
off minor intézve.
[előzmény (1174)]

© Deravenválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2008-01-08 09:45:11 (1197)
Mennyiért jönnének? Kontakt? Vagy csak simán írjak myspace-en?
[előzmény (1196)]

© Rich_Kid_On_LSDválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2008-01-08 09:11:39 (1196)
május 24-én jönne ez a zenekar pestre: http://www.myspace.com/straightcorner


© gYiKválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2008-01-06 14:19:24 (1195)
amugy sztem jo szar
[előzmény (1194)]

© gYiKválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2008-01-06 14:19:10 (1194)

ARCADIA-italian bastard core- booking european
tour 2008

Hi there,
here is Edo, booking manager for the metal band ARCADIA,how r you doing? Hope good.
Im writing to you cause im planning the new european tour 2008 from feb to july to promote the new release "Cold cold bodies" out in all europe for VALERY RECORDS.
The band has 3 records and 3 usa tours, 3 european tour.
Well what i would like to know if you have some slot available for the end of february or beginning march cause we suppose to be there in that period; so if it could be works for you guys please let me know and we ll see what it can be done, ok?
That's all.

Hope to hear you soon.

Cheers :-)


Niki +39 339.81.12.764

Edoardo +39 338.81.06.334
Demetrio +39 348.73.53.436
Michele +39 334.85.85.925

© Kutyaválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2008-01-04 07:33:48 (1193)
Nekem se sizif, se off minor nem jön be, viszont end of a year-nek még a myspace-es számai is :)
[előzmény (1190)]

Elejére << Előző < ... 130 | 131 | 132 | 133 | 134 | 135 | 136 | 137 | 138 | 139 | 140 | 141 | 142 | 143 | 144 | 145 | 146 | 147 | 148 ... > Következő >> Végére