Zenekara a Wesley Willis Fiasco Band, és az Alternative Tentacles kiadónál van, vagyis Biafra bizalmát bírja. Néhány számcím a mestertől:
Aftab Noorani
Al Capone
Alanis Morissette
Alice in Chains
Bill Clinton
Birdman Kicked My Ass
Bushwick Bill
The Chicken Cow
Chronic Schizophrenia
Courtney Love
Cut the Mullet
Dale Meiners Yelled at Me
Dave Grohl
Don't Curse in God's House
Dumpster My Ass
Easy E
Eat That Mule Shit
Elvis Presley
Feel the Power of Rock and Roll
Ford Windstar
The Frogs
Fuck You
Get on the City Bus
Hell Greyhound Bus Ride
He's Doing Time in Jail
I Deserve a War Hell Ride
I Done a Poor Job
I Killed Your Daddy After Midnight
I Killed Your Daddy Yesterday
I Murdered Your Family
I Smoke Weed
I Whipped Superman's Ass
I Wupped Batman's Ass
Illinois State Police
I'm Running My Inkpen
I'm Shooting Out Your Lights
I'm Slimming Down
I'm Sorry That I Got Fat (I Will Slim Down)
I'm the Daddy of Rock and Roll
It's Against the Law
John Dillard
Kill That Jerk
Kill Whitey
Kiss My Black Ass
Kris Kringle Was a Car Thief
Kurt Cobain
Larry Nevers / Walter Budzyn
Liz Phair
Make Sure I'm Out Screwing Up
Merry Christmas
My Daddy Got Me High
My Mother Smokes Crack Rocks
Northwest Airlines
Oil Express
Oprah Winfrey
Plug Me Full of Holes
Rock and Roll McDonalds
Rock Saddam Hussein's Ass
Run, Westy, Run
Shoot Me in the Ass
Spank Wagon
Stop the Violence
Suck a Cheetah's Dick
They Threw Me Out of Church
Vampire Bat
The Vultures Ate My Dead Ass Up
Walter Willis Shabazz
Wesley Willis
You Better Find My Pistol