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Catch 22

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© Danválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2013-05-01 09:05:24 (490)
Toh Kay valtozat: http://www.mediafire.com/?d9c8e2icyz49ept

© Danválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2013-04-20 19:10:39 (489)
A Streetlight lemez ki is jott: http://href.hu/x/k10q

© Danválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2013-04-17 09:44:27 (488)
A youtube-rol torolte a kocsog Victory szoval itt van Vimeo-n, nem tudok leszakadni rola: http://vimeo.com/62678089

© Danválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2013-04-15 11:21:36 (487)
Uj Toh Kay klip, nagyon bejon: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oy-bEXUA6u0&feature=youtu.be

© Danválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2013-04-02 08:49:11 (486)
Elso uj szam:

© Danválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2013-03-02 07:13:54 (485)
Hello Friends
So, somehow, we've made it to 2013.
The band you know as Streetlight Manifesto started as a humble recording project in a New Jersey basement 10 years ago. While we were working on our first record, we never could have imagined that the music we were putting together would start a chain reaction in our lives that would result in our traveling the world for a decade, playing in countries we only read about, taking on the lives of full-time touring musicians for, essentially, our entire 20's. When we finished that first album, we had hoped to put on a local show to celebrate its completion. That show turned into a tour, that tour turned into a few tours and those few tours eventually turned into a lifestyle. For 10 years now, Streetlight has been one of the biggest parts of our lives.

Today, it's time to announce to our fans and friends that we're turning the last page of this particular chapter of our lives. We've solidified plans to tour our well-traveled asses off for one last year, until the end of 2013, at which time we will be not necessarily be moving on from the band, but changing our approach to what we do with the majority of our time. More specifically, we will no longer be touring year round, nor will we be touring much at all anymore. We have decided to step away from the table before we get sick of our favorite meal; we've seen enough bands over the years grow old playing the same songs for decades, going through the motions, slowly fading, and more depressingly, continuing on for all the wrong reasons. We're moving on to preserve what we created, to be able to look back on it proudly, before we find ourselves looking around and realizing that we've become what we swore we'd never be. In the last few years, we've all hit the 30 year mark, and we're ready to try some new things; some of us are ready to do a little bit of the ol' settling down, some of us are excited to pursue different musical avenues, and some of us just want to live a slightly less hectic lifestyle. We're doing this now for all of these reasons, not to mention 10 years is nice, neat chunk of time to devote oneself to something before moving on. Doing this next year, at 11 years wouldn't be nearly as dramatic, nor as poetic.

As for our actual plans for the future, this is what we have in mind: No more long tours and no more year round traveling. BUT! Streetlight is not actually breaking up, and we have no plans to ever do so, really. As of now, we still plan to play festivals, both in the US and overseas, occasional one-off shows here and there and even sporadic short-run tours. Hell, we may even do an extended tour a few years from now, who can say? One thing is certain, though: we will still make music together. We've recently submitted an album (The Hands That Thieve) to the record label we've been under contract with since the beginning, and with that, we are now free of a very contentious, very unhappy relationship (you may have heard, ha!) that has caused us much frustration and anguish over the years. We have no plans to ever sign with another label and we will happily continue to release records, on our own and on our own terms. Who knows, maybe now that we won't be touring all the time, we can squeeze out records a bit faster than our usual snail's pace.

SO! Today we announce The End Of The Beginning Tour, a multiple leg outing that will last until the end of the year, sort of like our last hurrah before we settle into Streetlight's new mode. We're doing two short runs in Europe (one in the UK including the Slam Dunk Festival shows and one on the mainland including Groezrock and Monster Bash), playing at this year's Skate and Surf Fest, squeezing in a few college shows, then we're heading across the USA in June for the first of two domestic tours. The first one is the shorter, smaller city leg, to be followed by a massive 6 week major city tour in the fall/winter, after which we will be bidding you all a semi-farewell. We will be announcing more legs and more shows as the year progresses. To be honest, we will likely never play the majority of the places we're playing this year again, so come out for one or two last hurrahs with us. We'll be playing the classics, new songs, acoustic and alternate versions of songs, you name it. We can pretty much guarantee we will do our utmost to make these last shows be some of the greatest of our 10 year existence. We are proud of what we've done, and more importantly HOW we've done it, and we plan on holding ourselves to that high standard throughout this year and onward.

So, enough rambling; we need to cut this short before the waterworks start. In closing: We are done being a full-time touring band, but not done as a band. Also, this can never be said too many times: we can't stress or repeat enough how grateful we are to all of you for enabling us to live this life for a decade; to travel the world, to see and experience all that we had access to because of Streetlight has been the gift of a lifetime. Thank you, thank you, thank you. See you at the shows!

© Danválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2013-01-30 17:12:04 (484)
De Kalnoky nyomja az akusztikot az USA-ban Chuck Ragan-nel... Elmennek egy ilyen buliba.
A het vegen bejelentik az uj album release datumot.
[előzmény (483)]

© f.krisaválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2013-01-29 11:42:37 (483)
lemondták az egész turnét...

© Danválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2013-01-16 08:18:06 (482)
Uj album sample:
https://soundcloud.com/pentimentomusic/sets/streetlight-manifest o-thtt

© f.krisaválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2012-11-28 17:26:06 (481)
mighty sounds 2013 :)
mármint a Catch 22

© CarTuuNválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2012-09-29 00:59:18 (480)
Amúgy ez az info honnan van? Csak hátha van már valami biztos időpont, amire kinéznék.
[előzmény (477)]

© CarTuuNválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2012-09-29 00:58:23 (479)
Jó, de az csak kanadai dollár ;D
[előzmény (478)]

© SgtDválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2012-09-28 23:34:55 (478)
A napokban jatszottak(jatszanak?) nalunk, de a belepo arat elegge sokalltam... 35$ plusz 9$ kezelesi koltseg.

© Danválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2012-09-28 22:07:59 (477)
2013 augusztusban lesz Catch 22 Europaban, lehet szervezni ha valakit erdekel.

© Danválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2012-08-31 10:04:19 (476)
Mar lehet rendelni az uj lemezt, matol van vinyl verzio is.

© Danválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2012-02-23 22:50:05 (475)
[előzmény (474)]

© CarTuuNválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2012-02-23 21:58:21 (474)
Streetlight Manifesto
Hello all

For the sake of keeping things emotion-free and legal, we'll cut straight to the chase and forgo the insults and accusations:

It is and has been for quite some time our position that Victory Records is an artist-hostile, morally corrupt and generally dishonest company, with whom we have had the displeasure of being associated due to a contract that was signed years ago. We're not writing this today to air grievances, of which there are many; numerous bands' struggles with Victory are well-documented (and many more are sealed by a court of law), so we figured we're going to skip the allegations and try to solve the problem, as we see it.

We're writing today to ask you to please boycott all Streetlight related items by not purchasing any of our records or merchandise from Victory's website, any traditional CD stores, online third party retailers or any digital distribution service (iTunes, Amazon etc). Victory has a long-time reputation of pocketing all of the proceeds from a band's music and merch, with shady accounting and generally bully-ish behavior. If you want to support Streetlight, our music and our ability to tour and continue to release music, please make all SM related purchases from our own webstore, The RISC Store (www.riscstore.com), or come out to a show and buy a shirt or cd from us directly. In regards to getting the music we make, you can buy directly from us, or, alternately, we're sure you can find a way to get the tunes onto your computer that may not be, ahem, traditional… Speaking a Bit metaphorically, there is a Torrent of methods to accomplish this, and Google is your always loyal friend...

As many of you know, we are in the final stages of recording our new album. It will be out and available this summer, whether via Victory, or some other method. We refuse to let our constant battles with our own record label hold back the album's release (we can take nearly forever to finish an album on our own, thank you very much) and we look forward to being free from Victory's clutches once our contract with them ends this summer.

We wish Victory Records no ill will or harm. Ok, that's not entirely true. But what we want more than seeing the bad guy get his comeuppance, to see the villain get bitch-slapped by karma, is freedom from a company we abhor. We want the money made by our record and merch sales to help fund the band, not a company we're ashamed to be associated with. We don't care about SoundScans, or charts, or success as it's measured by an industry we can't stand; we just want our hard work to go towards something better than the record labels that destroy the spirit of independent music.

Thanks for your time and support and we'll see you soon.

© ate01válasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2011-12-04 21:01:30 (473)
Mintha a a kedvenc számaimat válogatták volna össze (talán a watch it crash-t kivéve). Kíváncsi vagyok.
[előzmény (472)]

© Danválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2011-12-04 13:40:23 (472)

© Danválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2011-11-04 19:13:19 (471)

En errol se tudtam:
[előzmény (470)]

© Night_Of_Fireválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2011-10-31 11:17:44 (470)
30 másodperces sample-k:

© Danválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2011-10-30 07:21:04 (469)

© joy01válasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2011-03-19 18:36:24 (468)
Gondolom a március 26.-i buli elmarad...

© Danválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2011-01-25 09:16:22 (467)
Mar frissult is, nem hiszem, hogy ebbol lesz Budapest, a szervezo egyelore nem valaszolt.
[előzmény (461)]

© ate01válasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2011-01-24 21:01:12 (466)
áá, mekkora lenne

© Danválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2011-01-24 20:42:43 (465)
Bar lehet, hogy lesz tobb datum. Rakerdezek.

© Danválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2011-01-24 20:42:23 (464)
Beligum elott vagy utan 1 nappal eselyes...
[előzmény (463)]

© CarTuuNválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2011-01-24 20:29:06 (463)
Gnyááááá szervezze le valaki!
[előzmény (461)]

© legal_alienválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2011-01-24 20:25:26 (462)
mar ezer eve nem jelentkeztem be ,azt se tudom mi van itt. Kellene tobb datum ide a jo oreg Europaba baszod.

© Danválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2011-01-24 19:48:09 (461)

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