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Koncert-, turnészervezéshez segítség, kérések

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© Exaybachayválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2024-05-09 23:05:06 (5390)
Morwan (UA/DE) Ukrán post punk elérhető Oct. 20, 21, 22. Akit érdekel jelezze.


© Karfiolválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2024-05-06 06:52:26 (5389)

Június turné....

© Exaybachayválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2024-05-03 09:29:18 (5388)
* Deathchant
[előzmény (5387)]

© Exaybachayválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2024-05-03 09:26:42 (5387)
Deathcant (US) augusztus 12-re keresnek lehetőséget Budapesten vagy a környéken. Ha érdekel valakit jelezze

© f.krisaválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2017-06-12 23:46:53 (5386)
Leftover Crack fb oldal.
1 órája ·
Zagreb, Croatia! If anybody wants to put together a show for LöC & All Torn Up! at the end of July, hit us up & we'll see if we can make something happen. We're also open to play a one off show if it's cheap to fly from Graz, Austria on July 21st & we can make it to Budapest for our show there on July 23rd...
write us a PM & we'll make something happen...

© Danválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2017-01-15 21:26:43 (5385)
Cim: nosanctuaryfromhell kuk gmail

Hi there, how are you?

Here Edorta, from No Sanctvary. We are a band from Pamplona (4 guys) who try to play some mix between Celtic Frost, Black Sabbath and some vibes from Rudimentary Peni, Amebix or Killing Joke. Here's a link to our bandcamp to see more exactly what's our approach: nosanctuaryband.bandcamp.com. If all goes well, we'll have our first LP released and ready in a few months.

We're trying to arrange a mini-tour through Europe in October so I'm writing this to see if you could give us a hand to play there in Budapest on October the 15th (Sunday). Szeged could also work since we're trying to book a gig in Beograd the previous day. DIY conditions if that's ok. Perhaps could we play with some band/s from there to share the gear?

Well, tell me what you think and we'll talk about it. Thanks for your time and have a nice day.

© das_programmválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2016-04-04 12:56:47 (5384)
hahó arczok!

messzibe szakadt hc-punk emberke számítógépes industrial_hardcore zenével próbálkozik. ha a hangszerelés nem is teljes mértékben, a hozzáállás viszont abszolút d.i.y. punk.

itt lehet meghallgatni és letölteni:

szóval ha valaki koncerteket szervez, és úgy gondolja, egy ilyesmi belefér (nagyon szívesen társulok be grind_crust_powerviolence_fastcore_thrash_anarchopunk bandák mellé!), azonnal szóljon! időpontot tessék javasolni, jó előre tudnom kell, hogy mikorra vegyek ki szabadságot...

© no moreválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2016-03-09 21:42:05 (5383)
Hailgun (australia)
Master Blaster (new zealand)

június 24. pénteken szeretnének Pesten játszani ez a két zenekar. Ha valakit érdekel írjon nyugodtan nekem vagy a bandának.

© Danválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2016-02-07 20:51:08 (5382)
Hallo Dan!

Here is Brille from Munich/Germany!
Maybe you can help me!
I seek contacts with organizers in Budapest / region Budapest and Hungary!
I just organizing a European tour for a hardcore / street punk band from Texas.
We play on May 29 in Slovakia and would play in Hungary / Budapest like on May 30 or 31st of May!
Could you maybe help me?

This is the Band: CONCRETE ELITE(Texas)


© Danválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2016-01-30 22:37:47 (5381)
mailcime nalam

Hey Dan,

this is Schnabel from Cityrat-Booking out of germany.
We have a tour with the great MY LIFE IN BLACK AND WHITE from
Portland, OR coming up in april.

They started off as an acoustic band in 2005 playing Punkrock
influenced by folk in bars up and down the pacific northwest for some
beer and a good time. They quickly gained a following and as the
partys got bigger they became a full band. By now they've done a bunch
of touring and released four full lenght albums.
Their newest album 'Columbia' will be re-release in europe on GUNNER
RECORDS in early 2016.
They're such a great liveband and such good people!
Check them out:



We would like to do a show in hungary on april 15th and I was
wondering if you know some people/promoter/venues that I can hit up
about a show.

If you have any questions just let me know.

It woud be great to hear back from you.


© Infectedválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2015-09-21 18:18:11 (5380)
Bocs, szombati napokra!
[előzmény (5379)]

© Infectedválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2015-09-21 18:14:15 (5379)
Oi! Veszprémi pubba szerdai napokra keresnek akusztikus fellépőket. Punk, folk, nyálas, bármi jöhet, csak kis létszámú csapat legyen (2-3 fő). Pénzt biztosan, szállást jó eséllyel tud intézni a hely. Gondoltam egy próbát megér.

© Danválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2015-09-01 20:37:55 (5378)
Kontakt nalam ha valakit erdekel.

I played in a band called Shut up! Twist again!, it's a punk rock band from France. We started on 2013, released our first album We laugh at danger, played shows everywhere in Europe as often as we could ( Around 150 gigs in France, Spain, Germany, Bulgaria, Russia, Ukraine, Poland….).
We were inspired by bands like Against me!, Anti-Flag or The Decline (their singer was featured in our last album).

We are looking gigs for our fourth tour in Eastern Europe for October 2015 and more specifically we would to play in Budapest at tuesday the 20th October.
We really hope you will help us. Our request are simple : a floor to sleep on, food and some money to cover our costs and reach the next town.
We have played shows and tourned with a lot of french bands (Guerilla Poubelle, The traders, The decline, Burning Lady, Justin(e), Nina’school…) and foreign bands like The Kendolls (Sweden,), The Vibrators (U.K),Deecracks (Austria), Brixton Robbers (Canada), The Flatliners (Canada) The Detectors...
We have goodfriends at CanIsay? Records we recorded a special song for their Christmas Comp album.
That’s our bandcamp, facebook, youtubechannel:
All good wishes

Jerome Etchepare

© Freedomfighterválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2015-07-09 11:50:15 (5377)
Hey there,

I'm with the Band Resonant of Mind from Germany and we're finishing our Tour planning for August, but we still need one or two dates. We're touring with the Band United We Fall and we would appreciate if you guys could help us out with a Show in Budapest on August 25th.
I'm looking forward to a quick reply and hopefully we can manage something.


PS: Here are the Bands' FB-Page and Musicvideos

RoM: https://www.facebook.com/resonantofmind

UWF: https://www.facebook.com/unitedwefallband

© Danválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2015-06-19 20:30:42 (5376)
Metalos cucc, Szegeden jatszanak. Budapestre valaki? Nem rossz cucc. Kontakt: Cristòbal Gutierrez -- c.breitenberger92 kukac gmail com

Hello Dan!
I just stumbled across this site, while looking for shows in Hungary. I'm very happy I found this site, because I really could need some help.
After 5 years of playing music my band finally decided to quit, but before we do this, we are going on one last tour across middle europe this summer.
We are playing in Szeged on the 22. of August, and we really need another show in Hungary, maybe in Budapest or around this area. Do you think, you can help me with it?
It would be great, if we can arrange something together. We played in Hungary once, and it was a lot of fun, so it would be great to play one of our last shows here.

Best regards,

Ps.: If you are interested, here's the link to our facebook page:

© Freedomfighterválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2015-06-16 20:17:24 (5375)
Hi there!
I am writting to you because Dömötör Zoltán (from Dance or Die) told me to contact you. We are a diy punk-rock band from Madrid (https://accidente.bandcamp.com/)
We are fixing our European tour these summer and some dates are turning out difficult to confirm.

We are looking for a gig in Budapest (or any place close) on Sunday 9 Augost, and we though you could maybe help us out or give us some contacts that you think might be willing to do a show for us. We know these are extremely bad dates for concerts but we cannot help it because of work.
We usually ask for, some money to cover the transport costs (door deal) and, if possible, some vegan food and a place to sleep. We would be 5 plus our cool driver smile emoticon so 6.
If it finally works out it would be awesome if the show venue is a place where the philosophy is horizontal (and no racist, sexist or authoritarian attitudes are tolerated in them...smile emoticon.

Thank you very much!

All best---


© Freedomfighterválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2015-06-01 14:03:45 (5374)
Hi! Im currently booking a european tour for my band Axe Rash from Stockholm, a brand new hardcore-band from Stockholm. We're in need of a show in Budapest around 31 jul-4 aug. What we would need is some gas money, a place to stay and some vegan food. Do you think you can help out in any way? Get in touch as soon as you can!

There is only one song up on bandcamp while were waiting for the mix of a five track demo. Check out the link to our first show on youtube to see what we're about.



© obtrusiveválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2015-05-19 15:20:44 (5373)
a francia SATAN zenekar keres majus 25-re last minute bulit doordealbe budapesten. minden lesz naluk csak enekcucc kene. szallast tudok nekik. ha valaki tud segiteni szoljon itt es adok kontaktot.

© Freedomfighterválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2015-05-18 12:16:57 (5372)

Makar Smallstone
May 18th, 12:11pm
I play in a band called Sequoian Aequison (post-rock/doom/ambient - https://sequoian.bandcamp.com/) and we're making a tour with the band Dopemachine (experimental post-rock/drone).. We're asking you to help us make a gig on 11 or 13.07.2015 in Budapest . We travel by van, so we take all the backline with us, all we need is a venue with frontline. We don't care much about money, but if we'll have some to pay for gas) it would be great. And also we'll need a place to sleep (anywhere, there are 8 people travelling) and something to eat (no matter what). So if you can help us, please let me know

© Freedomfighterválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2015-05-18 12:00:46 (5371)
hi guys, my italin friend mattia razzini say me to write to you for an help!
Hi I'm Duccio from Glances, 5-piece melodic hardocore band from Bologna (Italy) we are looking for some show in north/east europe for the last week of july (18-26). if you are interested to help us listen our music and contact us. thank you

we have need help! we are searchig for a shows for 20 july in Hungarian (Budabest or north-west zone)
can you help us please? CONTACT US thanks a lot

© Freedomfighterválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2015-05-11 12:20:11 (5370)
Hi guy, i'm paska of Cospirazione, anarco-hardcore band from Italy.

I write to you because we stay on tour from 8th july to the 12th July, and we're searching a gigs in Budapest or in Hungary on 9th July. I hope you can help us.

here there is the bandcamp:
here the blog: http://cospirazione.noblogs.org/
and here the demo on youtube:

Write to me or at: cospirazione@distruzione.org
I hope you can help us for our mini-eurotour! see you soon i hope!

© no moreválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2015-05-08 12:44:15 (5369)

Jönne egy svéd zenekar pestre játszani július 6. án hétfőn. Letudja szervezni valaki? altatásban segítek.



© Freedomfighterválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2015-05-08 11:07:56 (5368)
Hey! How are you? I have your name by Legény Zoltán, cos we met in Surany (SK), and play together on the show. He told me, that you sometimes promoting/organising gigs. And we would like to play in Hungary! We are punk rock band from Levice (Slovakia), playing for two years, we had released one studio album and 7“ EP this year. We played many gigs around Slovakia and Czech Republic. You can find some articles about us on www.kidsandheroes.com. Our requirements are not diffucult, we need only some money for gas. We would like to play in your country on July.
Shadow of television - https://shadowoftelevision.bandcamp.com/
Cheers! Adam

© Freedomfighterválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2015-04-19 20:45:42 (5367)

We need concert in Budapest on 16 July. Would it be possible for you to help us with concert that day? We will have whole backline with us. What we need is money from the doordeal, sleeping place for 6 people and vegan food.

2 bands:
Concrete Dog - concretedogz.bandcamp.com
Trüd - trudpl.bandcamp.com


© Freedomfighterválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2015-04-13 22:26:54 (5366)
Hey Tukker Booking,
In May we will be on tour in Eastern Europe with my band ANIME TORMENT and DROM. We look for concerts in Hungary regards the date of May 1, 2015. . Do you think you can help us?
Thanks for the answer!

Here dates:
30.4. Bratislava (Sk)
1.5. NEED HELP !!!
2.5. NEED HELP !!!
3.5. Sofia (Bul)
4.5. dayoff
5.5. Ankara (Tur)
6.5. Istanbul (Tur)
7.5. Varna (Bul)
8.5 Bukurest (Ro)
9.5. Cluj-Napoca (Ro)
10.5. Košice (Sk)

ANIME TORMENT (modern death-metal)

DROM (post-metal)

Ondra - Anime Torment

© xzoleexválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2015-02-23 22:05:44 (5365)
hey there!

i`m stefan from the swiss porsthardcore band tantetimbuktu.

we`re going on tour in april and looking for a show in hungary on april 7th. can you help us find a place to play? or share some contacts?
before we play in croatia, afterwards in slovakia.

tantetimbuktu started in november 2011 and due to working abroad, traveling and stuff we had the first year more on and offs than continuously phases of rehearsing and shows. since little more than a year we just have an ongoing ON period where we wrote and recorded new songs. end of march we plan to release a split lp with our friends trent from mirano (IT).

some songs youll find on our bandcamp page.

for the tour:
tantetimbuktu is a diy band, we love to play in small rooms, basements, squats, rehearsalspaces. thats where we think our music belongs and where we spend most of our free time.
we are three in the band, probably four on the road. we`re asking for vegan food, a free place to sleep (floorspace is fine) and gasmomey.

thanx a lot for your time and have a good day!


Präsentiert Lösungen - 12`` Split with TRENT out soon!, by tantetimbuktu

© Freedomfighterválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2015-02-15 23:46:36 (5364)
Hey Guys,
Andris Ma gave me your contact. I'd like to ask if you can help us out with a show in budapest on 02. April. We are 5 people, having full backline with us and of course everybody can use everything from us
here's a link to our bandcamp-site.
We're playing Novi Sad, Zrenjanin and hopefully Zagreb or Vienna after that.
Sleeping places and something vegan to eat would be awesome
best wishes

© Danválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2015-02-15 18:32:26 (5363)
Hey !

My name is Bertrand and I live in Le Havre, France. I have a Punk-Rock band called Pink Flamingos and we’re going on tour in June. I’d like to ask you if you’d be ok to help us with a show in your town ?

Pink Flamingos exists since 2008. We play some kind of loud, heartfelt and gritty Punk Rock, in the vein of The Lawrence Arms, but in a more aggressive way I think. We have two EPs already out and a split 7” with Jeffrey Lost Control from Canada on the way. You can listen to everything on our Bandcamp page below.

In the last 5 five years, we had the pleasure to tour almost everywhere, around 150 shows from Slovenia to Portugal, from Montreal to Poland, playing the best festivals, sharing the stage with the biggest bands you could think of.In June we’ll embark for our longest tour so far (4 weeks).

Here’s the links to our websites:

If you are interested in helping us, we could be in Budapest on the tuesday 09th of june. That'd be perfect on our routing and we’d love to come there.
We’re a DIY punk band, so our needs are pretty basic. Some vegetarian food and drinks, a dry place to sleep for 5 people and some little money for the gas would make us very happy.

Thanks for reading! I hope to hear from you soon, and I wish you a very good day ;)
Bertrand & PF

Pink Flamingos - Bertrand - pinkflamingosfr kukac gmail.com

© Imikeválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2015-02-14 17:56:37 (5362)
OUT OF ORDER (Oi / Punkrock from Montreal, CANADA)
on Tour in Europa . Europe . Εὐρώπη
* period: JULY / AUGUST 2015


* LABEL: East Grand Record Company
* INFO @ http://schoelcke.org/out-of-order
* BOOKING by Schoelcke Promotions
* Mario Schoelcke | mario@schoelcke.org
11.07.2015 - (F) Paris (TBA)
13./14.07.2015 NORTHERN FRANCE
16.07.2015 - (F) ST.ETIENNE (in progress)
17.07.2015 AVAILABLE (FRANCE / UK)
18.07.2015 AVAILABLE (FRANCE / UK)
19.07.2015 AVAILABLE (FRANCE / UK)
20.07.2015 AVAILABLE (FRANCE / UK)
21.07.2015 AVAILABLE (UK)
22.07.2015 AVAILABLE (UK)
23.07.2015 AVAILABLE (UK)
24.07.2015 AVAILABLE (UK)
25.07.2015 AVAILABLE (UK)
26.07.2015 AVAILABLE (UK / FRA / BeNeLux or SPAIN)
27.07.2015 AVAILABLE (UK / FRA / BeNeLux or SPAIN)
28.07.2015 AVAILABLE (UK / FRA / BeNeLux or SPAIN)
29.07.2015 UK show (TBA)
30.07.2015 UK show (TBA)
31.07.2015 AVAILABLE (UK / FRA / BeNeLux or SPAIN)
01.08.2015 AVAILABLE (UK / FRA / BeNeLux or SPAIN)
03.08.2015 AVAILABLE (CH/ A/ CZ/ ITALY/ SLO/ SK/ PL)
04.08.2015 AVAILABLE (CH/ A/ CZ/ ITALY/ SLO/ SK/ PL)
05.08.2015 AVAILABLE (CH/ A/ CZ/ ITALY/ SLO/ SK/ PL)
06.08.2015 AVAILABLE (CH/ A/ CZ/ ITALY/ SLO/ SK/ PL)
07.08.2015 - (D) FESTIVAL (TBA)
08.08.2015 - (D) (TBA)
14.08.2015 - (D) BERLIN, Wild at Heat

© Imikeválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2014-11-24 18:18:00 (5361)
A kanadai OUT OF ORDER jövőre szeretne néhány mo-i koncertet! Esetleg ha vki tud segítsen nekik! Köszönik! https://www.facebook.com/OutOfOrder2013
https://www.facebook.com/scott.maracle.9 (énekes)
Albumukba itt bele lehet hallgatni: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/4xegcrbo9r3eft5/AADdfm_-TTgLoKxUZz8zU QfRa?dl=0

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