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Koncert-, turnészervezéshez segítség, kérések

Elejére << Előző < ... 82 | 83 | 84 | 85 | 86 | 87 | 88 | 89 | 90 | 91 | 92 | 93 | 94 | 95 | 96 | 97 | 98 | 99 | 100 ... > Következő >> Végére

© Deravenválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2009-07-29 19:31:57 (2675)
Pont ma mondtam neki amúgy.
[előzmény (2672)]

© Cumiválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2009-07-29 19:22:31 (2674)
Ha tényleg nem kell nekik pénz, megcsinálhatnánk Pucokba is akár. Vagy nem? Te vagy a tapasztaltabb koncertszervező :)
[előzmény (2672)]

© Axelválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2009-07-29 17:47:39 (2673)
simán benne lennének szerintem akár abban hogy délután 2-kor játszanak vagy abban is ha hajnal 4-kor :-)
[előzmény (2672)]

© Makkurválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2009-07-29 17:26:13 (2672)
Bassza meg ez a GG Elvis nagyon jó!!!Matyi tessék leszervezni a hardcore bandák mellé Zamárdiba!

© Cumiválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2009-07-29 17:01:59 (2671)
Ez fasza, valaki szervezze le :)
[előzmény (2670)]

© Axelválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2009-07-29 09:55:12 (2670)
GG ELVIS band keres lehetőséget augusztus 20-ára

kaja,szállás, pár sör, pénz nem kell nekik


© Danválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2009-07-28 07:38:12 (2669)
Kurva jo banda!
[előzmény (2668)]

© Rich_Kid_On_LSDválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2009-07-27 23:29:04 (2668)
ez a patsy ohara szeretne játszani egyet a budapesti koncertjük előtt. romániából jönnek, szóval keleti punkok hajrá:

we'll be touring europe from the 28th of August till September the 13th and are still looking for one show in Hungary/Slovakia/Romania on September the 9th. We're coming from Timisoara in western Romania and are heading for Budapest.
Would it be possible for you to set up a show on that day?!? Would be awesome! We'd need some veggie food, some piece of floor for six people to sleep on it and some money for gas. normally we have to ask for about 100 euro per day on that tour. but don't worry! we can do a doordeal as well!!!

© Danválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2009-07-26 20:25:12 (2667)
Cim: skaretacticbooking kukac yahoo.com

Hey whats up?

This is Ant from Skare Tactic(hardcore band from Los Angeles,CA.USA).
Were trying to finish up booking our Euro/UK tour at the moment and are having trouble organizing the last bit of dates to fill these gaps on the tour. Can you please take a look at our tour Schedule on our myspace, and let me know if there's a last minute show you can put together for us.ANYTHING will definitely help us out.

I'm hoping you might be able to help me out here, PLEASE! We are in desperate need of filling these gaps. There have been a couple guys who said they were going to make all this work, and never came through for us. Which leaves us with alot to do now because of them. We leave this wednesday July 29th on a plane to Germany to start the 5 week tour!
Please get back to me and let me know if there's anything you can do to help us out.

Backline provided
Meal and Accommidation.

Thank you!

© Danválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2009-07-26 18:52:23 (2666)

hi there! a guy called alex told me that you can may help us to book a show in hugary for october. we are looking for a show in middls/south/east/west hungary for the 22nd or 23rd of next october. what we ask is just some vegan food for 4-5 people, a roof where to sleep and a fair door deal for the gas.
well, taht's all for now, i want not to bother you more. if you can give us a help just keep in touch.
take care
thanks a lot

© Danválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2009-07-26 18:52:07 (2665)
[előzmény (2664)]

© Toto_válasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2009-07-26 18:39:24 (2664)
A Kamikatze buli akkor hol lesz? Cokxpon-ban?

© kalozválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2009-07-25 08:45:32 (2663)
15e + basztatas elviselese, hogy milyen keveset fogyaszt a kozonseg? Almodjanak csak.
[előzmény (2658)]

© anotherwaytomiválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2009-07-24 07:40:31 (2662)
a brazil BANDANOS punk/thrash bagázs keres koncertet aug.18.-ára. Bp-Szeged-Szentes környékén. Olcsó pénzért jönnek, aki megcsinálná írjon nekik myspace-en, vagy ide: thrashxbastard@yahoo.de

© Danválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2009-07-23 21:28:57 (2661)
Mailcim nalam.

Hey there!

We still have to free dates available dates! We can play at low conditions!!!

Aug 21th (saturday) : Benelux/Germany
Aug 26th (wednesday) : Hungary/Slovakia/Austria/Slovenia...

Here some infos of the bands:

A bridge to many (FR)
Eternalis records/Distorted Charly brown records
We will be touring in support of our debut 7".

xUnveilx (CH)
Start a fire records
They just realease a 7", so like us this tour is to promote it.

© Danválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2009-07-23 17:19:33 (2660)
Ja meg oket is meg lehet kerdezni:

© Danválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2009-07-23 16:38:20 (2659)
Van egy ilyen, de nincs hozza telszam, mailt irtam:

© Danválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2009-07-23 16:37:33 (2658)
Megkerdeztem most ket helyet:

Itt a megadott telszam vegen egy mar nem ott dolgozo srac van, aki szerint nagyon gaz a hely, azert ha valaki tud aktualis kontaktot, az fasza lenne.

Jovo hettol nyari szunet szeptemberig.

A Ciprusba szeptembertol 15e-ert lehet szervezni.
Meg megprobalok 1-2 helyet felhivni.

© Danválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2009-07-22 21:57:43 (2657)
I’m Funar from Polish HC band “Self Respect”
In September out our new CD in SPOOKRECORDS
We play in September mini Tour and we booking to this time 4 shows
We really really want to book more show and we have a question to you
If you can help us booking one of free dates:

21.IX – Krakow (Poland)
22.IX – need help
23.IX – Cluj-Napoca (Romania)
24.IX – Bucuresti (Romania)
25.IX – need help
26.IX –Topolcany (Slovakia)
27.IX – need help

We need only sleeping place for 7 persons and money for a gas and food 70-100 euro !!
We have a full backline
If you have a proposition for us, just send message !!
We make a Promo Posters and with a new CD we will send too you
On our myspace is now new song from this production
If you can't do this, please give me some contacts to someone who can help us
links for our older Cd’s :
Cheers and much respect from Poland

© Danválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2009-07-22 21:54:27 (2656)
Hello, we don't know each other personaly but i found you in myspace and i saw that you book lots of bands

now i'm trying to support a german ska band - Yellow Cap for their east european tour. they will play here in Sofia in 26ht of september, Buchurest 27 and Cluj Napoca in 28th so on their way back it would be great if you can book them somewhere near by the Romanian boarder on 29 or 30 or just somewhere in Hungary, maybe Budapest?

they are 11 people in the line up so they just need money to hire 2 vans and to pay their expences - 200-250 euros + some accomodation

you can hear them @ www.myspace.com/yellowcapska

please answer me even if you are not possible to book them and maybe forward me to someone else if there is no chance

also i can help you promoting your bigger ev ents in the best way because i make the biggest webzine in Bulgaria for this kind of music with over than 600 visitors per day :)

here is some band info:
Yellow Cap was founded 10 years ago.With the influences of many kinds of music like Funk, Punk, Rock, Jazz, Latin and of course Ska and Reggae they..ve created their very unique style, which is famous for being always totally danceable. Yet, Yellow Cap was playin.. in 6 countries so far and they shared the stage with for instance this artists: The Busters, The Toasters, Laurel Aitken, Desmond Dekker, Bluekilla, Rude & Visser (aka Mr Review), Court Jester Crew, Culcha Candela, Nosliw, Pothead and Letzte Instanz.
Their 3rd album called “Up to explode” was released in november 2007. In 2008 and 2009, Yellow Cap is playing the musical called “Radio Babylon” which was musically written by themselves. After the amazing 10 years anniversary show an East Europe Tour is gonna happen in September. Last but not least, the band is making a new album produced and featured by Dr. Ring Ding, which will be released at the end of this year.

thanx and cheers!


© Danválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2009-07-22 21:51:49 (2655)


I’m writing on behalf of two bands which are looking for any performance possibilities. The bands I am representing are Orthodox (www.myspace.com/ortodox) and Rearrange (www.myspace.com/rearrangeband ). Our performance conditions include the return of trip costs (150 EUR), board and accomodation for 9 persons.
We have full backline at our disposal which we can bring with ourselves and if necessary. Gigs taking place in the period between September 2009 till April next year would be most convenient for us. Hope you can help us in organising some gigs in your country.


© Danválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2009-07-22 17:15:04 (2654)
Most mar datum is van hozza, ha valaki megcsinalna, kontakt:


I would like to offer you following package:

(Super Hero Records)

(Burnside Records)

Presskit: http://www.bombsquad.at/OAC_Bsquad_tourinfo09

free date: October 23rd 2009

What do you think?
Let me know!

[előzmény (2643)]

© Danválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2009-07-22 17:05:18 (2653)
Wojczech bulihoz:

hi dan, the 21.10. it the possible date for budapest. 20.10. will be zagreb and 22.10. vienna.

[előzmény (2639)]

© Danválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2009-07-22 17:04:12 (2652)
Ez eleg jo. Kontakt:

Hey guys

You put up an show for my band dominic last year We had a great night in Budapest.

I..m helping a friend book some dates for a band he works with called Blood Command.
They are looking for an date in Budapest friday 23.10.09.


let me know what if you could help them?

take care

© Danválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2009-07-22 16:54:03 (2651)

Hi people, (It’s G. again )
This time we are making East/South europian tour for lithuanian new school hardcore band SPENGIMAS in October 2009.
We want to ask you for a little help with some gigs in your country...
This is SPENGIMAS tour's plan: (Everything including places and dates may be changed if you wish)

10.05. H - HELP !!!
10.13. H - HELP !!!

So, as you can see, we really need your help. If you could help us with one or both of these dates, it would be really great of you!!! Or maybe you could get some contacts who could help us....

Here is some info about band:
“SPENGIMAS” (previously known as “Tylus Spengimas”) is a Lithuanian hardcore music band formed somewhere around 2005. In the beginning there were few years of changes, years of confusion, which formed the core. Spengimas always has tried not to limit themselves with one style, in fact it..s kind a hard to describe their music in one word. Metalcore breakdowns, heavy hardcore punk riffs, and emotional calm downs mix up together creating their sound....
Bands web: www.myspace.com/tyluspengimas

About the bands conditions and needs:
As I've already told, SPENGIMAS is 5 musicians + 1 roadie, so in the end there's 6 people...
SPENGIMAS have the whole backline with themselves (whole drum set, 2 guitar amps + cabinets, and bass amp + cabinet), so they only need PA for vocal and 3 mics, 2 with stand... (ALL support bands can play on bands stuff)

BAND needs food, some drinks and sleeping places for 6 people... And if it's possible, it'd be good to get some money for gas, (we rent a van, and 80-120 euros would be great).
But the main thing for the band is playing in new countries, always meeting new people, and having fun....

Thanx a lot for your answers and eventual help...
Take care and cheers...


© wsválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2009-07-21 16:04:37 (2650)
hello hello,
i know it s very last minute, but maybe some of you can help me out. i look for some shows for this - as i find - awesome young band MINUS APES from berlin, who are on tour right now. they need two or three shows on the way back from hungary to berlin btw. july 27th and aug 3rd... since there van broke down they travel in a small car and don t bring backline. that might be a problem, but on the other hand they don t need that much money... so if you could set up a show for them (rehearsal room gig or whatever) or know a show they could jump on, would be awesome!!!
please let me know!

you can listen to them: www.myspace.com/minusapes

© gabor007válasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2009-07-21 15:24:29 (2649)
Angol crust/Punk / Thrash / Hardcore keres bulit itthonra:

Hi there, i was given your email address from a friends of us (Nacho, Spain), who
said that you may be able to help us get a show or 2 booked in Hungary?

Below is our tour itinerary, although this can be changed if needed. You can check
us out at myspace.com/hellobastardsxxx

Thanks for any help you may be able to offer!

sat 29/8 Brussels, Belgium (CONFIRMED)
sun 30/8 Gent, Belgium (TBC)
mon 31/8 Lille, France (CONFIRMED)
tue 1/9 Leiden, Holland (CONFIRMED)
wed 2/9 germany bielefeld/osnabrück/münster/anywhere else?
thu 3/9 germany bremen/hamburg/anywhere else?
fri 4/9 germany osten/anywhere else?
sat 5/9 festival im loch? polen/anywhere else?
sun 6/9 poland/anywhere else?
mon 7/9 poland - lublin/anywhere else?
tue 8/9 Berlin, Germany with Antimaster (CONFIRMED)
wed 9/9 hannover (Germany)/austria/czech/bratislava/hungary
thu 10/9 Liege. Belgium?/anywhere else?
fri 11/9 morne zoro leipzig with heirs germany
sat 12/9 belgium/france/anywhere else?

All the best


akit érdekel írjon ide:



© buda_válasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2009-07-18 18:54:18 (2648)
Nine Eleven and Fire At Will from France will be on tour from the 23th of October to 8th of November 2009.
Here the schedule and the free dates offered to you :

Sunday 1st of November: BOOK NINE ELEVEN and FIRE AT WILL
Wednesday 4th of November: BOOK NINE ELEVEN and FIRE AT WILL
Tuesday 5th of November:BOOK NINE ELEVEN and FIRE AT WILL

Concerning the bands:

NINE ELEVEN, www.myspace.com/nineeleven
(I For Us rcds, Customecore, Guerilla Asso, DTTH, Spook Rcds, Chorus Of one)

New School Punk Hardcore Band which exists since the end of 2005 and play almost 200 shows these last 3 years all over europe (with 8 european tour till Russia, Belarus, Ukrain, Finland, Poland, Croatia, Serbia, Romania, Austria and many more) and will release the second album "city of quartz" for september 2K9

==> a new song from the new album is uploaded on their space

FIRE AT WILL www.myspace.com/fireatwillhxc
(Eternalis rcds, I For Us rcds)

Incredible mix between Verse and Kid Dynamite and released the beautiful and posi ep "Today is mine" two years ago.
They're coming back with a new one which will sound better !

Concerning logistic questions :

_ The bands will bring with us the full backline
_ 9 people who need food / drink and places to sleep
_ concerning money question we're asking for the van's rent and for fuel and others road costs. If we could get 150-200 euros guarantees for both bands it would be really awesome :)

Thanks in advance for your interest and we hope an answer from you !

Best Wishes

Richard / Free Edge

© The Godfatherválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2009-07-17 13:47:27 (2647)
only attitude counts kész röhej, a bombsquad viszont rohadjak meg gecijó!
[előzmény (2643)]

© xBalazsx24válasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2009-07-16 23:47:24 (2646)
játszanánk itt-ott.


Elejére << Előző < ... 82 | 83 | 84 | 85 | 86 | 87 | 88 | 89 | 90 | 91 | 92 | 93 | 94 | 95 | 96 | 97 | 98 | 99 | 100 ... > Következő >> Végére