Punk Portál >> Fórum >> Koncertek, bulik >> Koncert-, turnészervezések
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Koncert-, turnészervezéshez segítség, kérések

Elejére << Előző < ... 125 | 126 | 127 | 128 | 129 | 130 | 131 | 132 | 133 | 134 | 135 | 136 | 137 | 138 | 139 | 140 | 141 | 142 | 143 ... > Következő >> Végére

© Cumiválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2008-04-13 22:14:42 (1379)
Ez egesz erdekesnek tunik, ha leszervezi valaki jo idopontra, en tuti elmegyek ra. :)
[előzmény (1378)]

© Danválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2008-04-13 20:35:31 (1378)
Hello there
I'm George from Brutal Polka (www.brutalpolka.com, www.myspace.com/brutalpolka2, www.youtube.com/brutalpolka), we're going on our 5th European tour this summer, and since we've never played in Hungary, we'd like to this time, it seems like a cool place.
We have so far 30+ shows, while the aim is 50+.
I'll send you the e-press kit if you're interested, but most of the info is in the websites.
We'll appreciate any kind of help you might give us.

Waiting to hear from you,
G and the Polka

For us, there is no spring...
Just the wind that smells fresh before the storm.

Kontakt: Amit Cromellian calamityinc kuk hotmail.com

© ruijnválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2008-04-08 17:59:17 (1377)

Endzweck + DADOES európai turné augusztusban, ausztriába is mennének, biztos átugranának ide is

© Danválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2008-04-07 17:26:40 (1376)
Free Festen lesz, gondolom tovabbi datumokat lehet szervezni.
[előzmény (1375)]

© wsválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2008-04-06 19:36:58 (1375)
Most akkor ez szervezés alatt van már (freefest)?
[előzmény (1362)]

© Todd Andersonválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2008-04-03 23:53:23 (1374)

We are looking for shows, this is the final rush to avoid day offs, so please any option will be considered, the route is below, here you have more info;

A pair of LPs for Lovitt Records, 2001’s Texture, Structure, and the Condition of Moods and 2003’s With the Gift Comes the Curse, found the band streamlining and amplifying upon their math-rock/post-rock sound, and the Foom became popular enough to warrant their first European tour. Given the circumstances of its creation, it’s no surprise that Native Tongue (2005, Native Tongue EP, out now on Japan’s Stiff Slack records) is frankly triumphant: Fin Fang Foom’s glacial gloom is moodier and grander than ever!


PICORE (Drawback, Spain)
Seen as one of the most expressive new rock bands in Spain, with their own vision of a free post hardcore/avant rock monster that grows. Two albums so far; La Postura Perfecta, 2005 and Lista Completa de Heridos, 2007.


Please let us know if this package interests for your club, venue, bar, programm or party!!

The route looks like that and the month is may;

26th.- Zaragoza @ Fatal Falafest ESP
27th.- Don Benito @ The Rincón Pío Sound ESP
28th.- Lisbon @ Tenda POR
29th.- Porto @ Fabrica de Sons POR
30th.- Basque country//Torrelavega TBC
01st.- Bourdeaux @ La Centrale FRA
02nd.- Center and north of France HELP
03rd.- Luxembourg @ TBC LUX
04th.- Benelux//Germany HELP
05th.- Benelux//Germany//Scandinavia HELP
06th.- Copenhagen @ Lades DK
07th.- Germany//Scandinavia HELP
08th.- Leipzig @ Liwi GER
09th.- Germany//Czech Rep HELP
10th.- Tabor @ TBA CZ
11th.- Austria//Eastern Europe HELP
12th.- Austria//Eastern Europe HELP
13th.- Italy//Eastern Europe HELP
14th.- Lucca @ The Velvet ITA
15th.- Girona @ Mentha Lounge Cafe ESP
16th.- Barcelona @ Casal de Roquetes ESP + Decurs
17th.- Madrid @ El Perro de la Parte de Atrás ESP

This is an estimate, so please even if your area/country is not listed, let us know, I´m sure we can work it out somehow...
Thanx for reading and waiting for your lines.

---------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------:
Thisteen_on_the_road | booking_contact
P.O. Box 2313, 03080-Alicante, Spain
Telfax.- 0034 966 306198 NEW!!

www.thirteenontheroad.com | booking@thirteenontheroad.com

© madigaborválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2008-04-03 13:36:32 (1373)
Itt buktam el a dolgot, azért bízom a csodákban:)
[előzmény (1372)]

© Danválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2008-04-03 13:30:03 (1372)
A booking vegulis azonos... Ha szerzel meg 50 embert, aki eljonne a bulira, rakerdezek. :)
[előzmény (1371)]

© madigaborválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2008-04-03 13:22:43 (1371)
Hú pedig az fasza lenne...

Bár nekik jobban örülnék:)

Ha már Angliánál tartunk..
[előzmény (1370)]

© Danválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2008-04-03 13:15:00 (1370)
Szeptemberben lesz talan, csak eleg draga...
[előzmény (1369)]

© madigaborválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2008-04-03 13:09:28 (1369)
Van egy albumom, bejövős, elég jók.
[előzmény (1363)]

© Z11válasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2008-04-03 13:02:50 (1368)
[előzmény (1366)]

© Z11válasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2008-04-03 13:02:28 (1367)
Jogos, benéztem a topicot! :-)
[előzmény (1365)]

© gYiKválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2008-04-03 12:54:21 (1366)
Lacikám, ne csinálj hülyét magadból!
[előzmény (1364)]

© Danválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2008-04-03 12:45:51 (1365)
Ujra szeretnem hangsulyozni, hogy ez nem bulireklamozos topic, hanem a SZERVEZESEK topicja.
[előzmény (1364)]

© Z11válasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2008-04-03 12:26:16 (1364)

© Danválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2008-04-02 21:56:52 (1363)
Ismeri valaki az angol metal/ska Random Hand-et?

© Todd Andersonválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2008-04-01 15:43:23 (1362)
Loser Life koncertet lehet meg szervezni!!

hello everybody,
here andreas. In june/july 2008 early 80s us hardcore band LOSER LIFE
from chicago is gonna tour europe. would be nice if somebody would like
to set up a show for them or send me any contacts of people who might
do. every help is very apreciated! (tourplan below)

we ask for a fair door deal, vegan food and sleeping places for 6

take care and all the best,

Hailing from Bakersfield, California, Loser Life hones their Articles
of Faith/Leatherface brand of melodic and aggressive hardcore. Fuelled
by all the anger and frustration that comes with growing up in a
hostile and ignorant hicktown, Loser Life conveys a certain sense of
urgency that many of their fellow Chicago style hardcore worshippers

www.myspace.com/loserlife is the best place to hear our mp3s.


fr 6/6 - berlin/koma f w/let down, a bit of braindead
sa 7/6 - leipzig/dresden/south east germany tba
su 8/6 - würzburg/nürnberg tba
mo 9/6 - Munich/kafe kult
tu 10/6 - austria - innsbruck/italy - bolzano tba
we 11/6 - italy tba
th 12/6 - italy - bologna tba
fr 13/6 - italy - milano tbc
sa 14/6 - slovenia - krsko w/the rats
su 15/6 - austria - Vienna w/the rats
mo 16/6 - slovakia - Bratislava w/the rats tbc
tu 17/6 - czech rep - prague w/the rats
we 18/6 - germany - dresden w/the rats
th 19/6 - germany/osnabruck w/the rats
fr 20/6 - bremen w/discarga tba
sa 21/6 - trashfest hoogeveen
su 22/6 - Amsterdam w/discarga tba
mo 23/6 - Amsterdam tba
tu 24/6 - holland/münster tba
we 25/6 - holland/belgium tba
th 26/6 - belgium/north france tbc
fr 27/6 - belgium/north france tba
sa 28/6 - germany tba
su 29/6 - mülheim tba
mo 30/6 - mannheim/juz w/comare
tu 1/7 - leipzig w/autistic youth, masshysteri
we 2/7 - hamburg/kiel/flensburg tba
th 3/7 - kiel/flensburg/hamburg tba
fr 4/7 - germany - yellow dog fest
sa 5/7 - copenhagen/malmö tba
su 6/7 - gothenborg tba
mo 7/7 - linköping/stockholm tba
tu 8/7 - malmö/Copenhagen tba
we 9/7 - rostock/neubrandenburg w/red herring tba
th 10/7 - potsdam w/red herring tbc
fr 11/7 - diy fest gdynia
sa 12/7 - poland tba
su 13/7 - poland tba
mo 14/7 - ucraine tba
tu 15/7 - ucraine tba
we 16/7 - slovakia/hungary tba
th 17/7 - hungary - Budapest/lajosmisze/free fest
fr 18/7 - Czech/Slovakia/poland tba
sa 19/7 - Poland - warszaw/open hc fest w/discarga

c/o Andreas Knobloch
Warschauer Str. 57
10243 Berlin - Germany

© robitválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2008-03-28 13:16:07 (1361)
most hallgatom. és sajnálom... ha esetleg lesz valami próbatermes mozdulás szóljatok...
[előzmény (1358)]

© Marty McFlyválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2008-03-28 12:17:34 (1360)
[előzmény (1358)]

© jarman-sydválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2008-03-28 12:13:28 (1359)

© Todd Andersonválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2008-03-28 12:10:29 (1358)
sajnos elmarad a Die Young koncert ma este pesten......

© ruijnválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2008-03-27 18:24:37 (1357)
hmmm, mennyiért és mikor jönnének?
[előzmény (1355)]

© Todd Andersonválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2008-03-27 13:08:50 (1356)
ide csak olyan leveleket rakunk fel, amiket mi nem fogunk megcsinalni budapesten, de ha barki barhol az orszagban szervezne valamelyik zenekarnak koncertet, nyugodtan lepjen kapcsolatba a KA!booking barmely baratsagos tagjaval es megprobalunk segiteni, amiben tudunk..

© Todd Andersonválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2008-03-27 13:06:44 (1355)
kezdunk befutni..

hi guys,

chrisi from men killing men refered me to you. chrisi and me are good friends and he told me about the show in budapest.

we, DELILAH, are a loud, noisy band, pumping energy in and from the most hidden corners. we will release our new EP in may (handmade silk-screen package in different colors and also a extra artwork for vinyl (fabi from mem killing men is doing that!)) and i'm booking a few weekend tours for us till the summer and maybe you would like to do a show for us in budapest.

so listen to the music .. and if you like it, tell us :)

we are nice and easy people, we appreciate good food, good beer and nice people.

take care,
greets, stephan


© kalozválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2008-03-27 12:42:06 (1354)
Jo igen, irta is, nem szotlam, bocsanatot kivanok :-)
[előzmény (1353)]

© kalozválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2008-03-27 12:41:47 (1353)
Ezek lesznek Free Festen.
[előzmény (1351)]

© Todd Andersonválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2008-03-27 12:22:29 (1352)
[előzmény (1351)]

© Todd Andersonválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2008-03-27 12:14:44 (1351)

Hey dude,


And about dates we're looking for in Hungary (or Croatia)from 4th to 6th of August, They make part of a 3 weeks summer tour.
So, If someone in Hungary could be interested in helping us there for one of these dates at least it would be really nice :)

See ya at Free Fest, can't wait to be there

The best for you and peoples around

Richard and 911

© ruijnválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2008-03-26 21:22:00 (1350)
bazz, a fing fang foom az nagyon nagy, remélem jönnek.

Elejére << Előző < ... 125 | 126 | 127 | 128 | 129 | 130 | 131 | 132 | 133 | 134 | 135 | 136 | 137 | 138 | 139 | 140 | 141 | 142 | 143 ... > Következő >> Végére