ha valaki be szeretné squattoltatni a padlóját:
szállás kéne két angol mukinak. dec 8 és 14 között.
Hey Viktor, I found your contact through your blog whilst i was searching for Rákosi info and Hungary/Budapest info on Maximum Rock Roll site. My name is Tom im 23 from England and i will be visiting Budapest in a few weeks. I am contacting you as having seen your blog i see we have very similar interests (listening to hardcore and drinking!) and if possible id like to meet some Hungarian punks whilst im over. Ive been to Budapest before to see castles and hills etc and this time i would like to meet some cool people and drink some booze! I got the Rákosi 7" when it came out so that was my first idea of who to contact, i also asked some friends that have been through Budapest (the Social Circkle guys, and Litty from Germany he said he came through with Brutal Knights). If you know of anyone who could possibly let two nice lads stay at there house for a few nights it would be amazing (i dont want to pay for a shit hostel), but if not just people to hang out with, go to a pub with is cool, i dont mind buying a crate of beers! So if you have any ideas of anyone that would be good to contact, or any shows that are going on that are worth going to it would be cool (I see Nitad are playing, i drunk with those crazy swedes once at my friend Kenny from Citizens Patrol/Bratpack house in Holland it would be fun to see those guys again! anyway, enough bullshit namedropping from me). If you have facebook I can add you and we can talk on that. Also, if you ever want to visit england to party your more than welcome! we have plenty of crazy punks here in a few cities that like to drink. So in short, if you or anyone you know can help me out in Budapest I will happily supply mixtapes and beer! Cheers anyway, hope to hear from you soon
akit tud segíteni az írjon nekem: sofa.king kukac freemail pont hu |