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© Dyerválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2005-09-29 11:53:44 (778)
minek irjam be pl. azt, hogy 'ajókurvaanyádatbasznádseggbeteszarfaszú', több értelme volna?
[előzmény (777)]

© válasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2005-09-29 11:49:24 (777)
csak ennyire futotta?
[előzmény (776)]

© Dyerválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2005-09-29 11:03:36 (776)
kapd be
[előzmény (774)]

© válasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2005-09-29 09:59:55 (775)
te inkább a suliba mennél mint,hogy itt oszd az igazságot.
[előzmény (774)]

© Rich_Kid_On_LSDválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2005-09-29 09:47:25 (774)
ezért megérte anyádéknak előfizetni a netre.
[előzmény (773)]

© Dyerválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2005-09-29 09:39:07 (773)
Híreket mondunk. Hírek. Híreket mondtunk.

© Rich_Kid_On_LSDválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2005-09-29 08:48:57 (772)
nagyon remélem. nagy szégyen lenne kihagyni őket.
[előzmény (771)]

© Mark Chapmanválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2005-09-29 08:46:40 (771)
Anglia nem is igazán Európa, ők is külön emlegetik magukat.
[előzmény (770)]

© Rich_Kid_On_LSDválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2005-09-29 08:44:03 (770)
mondjuk ez elég bénán hangzik. reméljük nem csak angliába mennek.
[előzmény (769)]

© Rich_Kid_On_LSDválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2005-09-29 08:43:31 (769)
Panic will record a new EP for Reflections records and play a small amount of dates in Europe, the USA, and possibly Australia in winter and spring of 2006.

After a 3 year hiatus we have decided we are not finished playing, and are looking forward to seeing our friends on the road and getting back into the studio for an EP and later, hopefully a full length record.
[előzmény (740)]

© xzoleexválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2005-09-28 13:15:15 (768)

  • Boston hardcore band The Hope Conspiracy, who have been relatively inactive during the past year, are now in process of writing a new album.
  • Swiss band Knut are finally preparing to release a new album. The effort is titled "Terraformer" and will hit stores on November 8th via RecHydra Head Records (11/21 in Europe through Conspiracy Records). The album will feature twelve new tracks, while clocking in at roughly 45 minutes. Aaron Turner once again handled the artwork.
  • xBishopx, featuring Remembering Never vocalist Mean Pete and formerly known as xDiary of a Corpsex, have reportedly signed with Ferret Music. No official word on the matter has been released. Regardless, this past weekend the band entered Southern Noise Studio (Kids Like Us, Torche) in Florida to begin recording their debut full-length.
  • Denver's Planes Mistaken For Stars have officially signed with Abacus Recordings. Formed in 1997, the group has previously released material with No Idea Records and Deep Elm Records.
  • Caliban have begun recording their next album for Abacus Recordings (Roadrunner Records in Europe). Earlier this week the band entered Principal Studios outside of Münster, Germany. Producing the effort will be Anders Friden (In Flames), while mixing will be handled by Andy Sneap (Killswitch Engage, Machine Head). The album will be entitled "The Undying Darkness" and will be available in early-2006.
  • Turmoil will be touring Europe with Nine for a few weeks beginning on January 13th.
  • Zao have set a November 15th release date through Ferret for their new DVD outing, "Zao: The Lesser Lights Of Heaven". Details on the effort can be found over at www.zaoonline.com.

  • © FearStanválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2005-09-28 06:48:55 (767)
    [előzmény (766)]

    © xzoleexválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2005-09-27 16:00:51 (766)

    We've finally recorded our debut album for Calculated Risk Records. Titled 'The Kinetics of a Decaying Structure' 11 tracks of brutal honest metalcore. The release wsa planned for mid-September but unfortunatley due to circumstances outside of anyones control it's had to be put back again and is now Scheduled for release in the SECOND WEEK JANUARY 2006. Sorry :0( Being in D-Rail can be frustrating sometimes, we never like to do things in a hurry. At least this time we're all 100% happy with what we've recorded. Jon Hoang of Crydebris Fame has done an amazing job on the production, I'm sure you'll agree when you finally get to hear it.
    If you can't wait that long we've still got copies of our 3 track album sampler available for Ł2 inc. p+p, or well do you a 3 track sampler and a copy of our 1st Ep 'Soundtrack to a heartbeat' of a bargain Ł4inc p+p. If your interested plaese send cheque payable to James Wilson and your address to:
    120 Kirkstall Hill, Leeds, LS4 2SX.
    The album will also be coming out on Vinyl courtesy of the lovely people at Thirty Days of Night Records.
    You can check out 'The 5th' a track taken from 'The Kinetics of Decaying Structure' on our page, let us know if your digging it :0)
    Keep an eye on the page over the next few days as I'll be giving you a different taster track very soon!
    Love The-Rail xxx

    © Danválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2005-09-27 14:44:35 (765)
    Na, ez szerintem kurva jo cikkcim:

    © dropkickválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2005-09-26 09:27:02 (764)

    © Danválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2005-09-26 09:22:52 (763)
    Na es ez mennyire gaz?

    © xasterixválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2005-09-24 19:57:36 (762)
    hehe nem láttam, sorry
    [előzmény (761)]

    © Rich_Kid_On_LSDválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2005-09-24 19:56:09 (761)
    "Dear People-

    I have crawled out of the tree tops to inform you that I have yet again, begun a new band...only this time it is actually happening. Gary Gutfeld (Redemption 87 drummer), Timmy Chunks (Redemption 87 guitar) and I have joined up again (not to do Redemption 87 in any shape or form)...but to do an all new band...yes it will be a hardcore/punk band, that is the intention. We are doing this merely to have fun and once again bring our input into the music scene. Does anybody really care? Who the hell wants to see the kind of hardcore and punk that we offer? In 2005 are we kidding ourselves?probably. Does anybody want to see the geriatric community in action......uh? Well, someone once said ...if I can reach just one...one will do.

    o' how the Oceans and Seas are filled with such wisdom.

    Eric Ozenne"
    [előzmény (760)]

    © xasterixválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2005-09-24 19:55:24 (760)
    Eric Ozenne (Unit Pride, Redemption 87, The Nerve Agents)

    "Dear People-

    I have crawled out of the tree tops to inform you that I have yet again, begun a new band...only this time it is actually happening. Gary Gutfeld (Redemption 87 drummer), Timmy Chunks (Redemption 87 guitar) and I have joined up again (not to do Redemption 87 in any shape or form)...but to do an all new band...yes it will be a hardcore/punk band, that is the intention. We are doing this merely to have fun and once again bring our input into the music scene. Does anybody really care? Who the hell wants to see the kind of hardcore and punk that we offer? In 2005 are we kidding ourselves?probably. Does anybody want to see the geriatric community in action......uh? Well, someone once said ...if I can reach just one...one will do.

    o' how the Oceans and Seas are filled with such wisdom."

    © Rich_Kid_On_LSDválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2005-09-24 18:52:05 (759)
    na alljon meg a menet, mindenféle fasza linkeket dobálok neked msn-en, és sosem szólsz vissza. már azt hittem, megharagudtál. ha nem hiszem ezt persze szóltam volna.
    [előzmény (757)]

    © bruisersválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2005-09-24 11:32:59 (758)
    akkó még egy kis hírek neked:

    Eric Ozenne, former frontman of Unit Pride, Redemption 87, and The Nerve Agents, has started a new band with 2 other ex-members of Redemption 87 and a still undetermined bass player. No name has been given to this new project as of yet, but the excitement is already in the air. Read on...

    "Dear People-

    I have crawled out of the tree tops to inform you that I have yet again, begun a new band...only this time it is actually happening. Gary Gutfeld (Redemption 87 drummer), Timmy Chunks (Redemption 87 guitar) and I have joined up again (not to do Redemption 87 in any shape or form)...but to do an all new band...yes it will be a hardcore/punk band, that is the intention. We are doing this merely to have fun and once again bring our input into the music scene. Does anybody really care? Who the hell wants to see the kind of hardcore and punk that we offer? In 2005 are we kidding ourselves?probably. Does anybody want to see the geriatric community in action......uh? Well, someone once said ...if I can reach just one...one will do.

    o' how the Oceans and Seas are filled with such wisdom.

    Eric Ozenne"
    [előzmény (757)]

    © KajbaszXXXválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2005-09-24 09:45:47 (757)
    Azanyád! És ide kell benéznem, hogy megtudjam?! Ezt minimum el emailezhetted volna te kis gecc...
    [előzmény (740)]

    © Rich_Kid_On_LSDválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2005-09-24 00:55:47 (756)
    néha, de már a második cikknél leesett, hogy milyen lesz az elkövetkező száz darab. viszont én nem höbörgök, meg linkelgetek.
    [előzmény (754)]

    © tulipunkaválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2005-09-23 21:04:52 (755)
    ezt én is olvastam indexen,hát gáz, nem tudom melyiket sajnáljam jobban. Tibi bácsinak nem lehetett egy kivansaga sem:D
    [előzmény (750)]

    © Danválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2005-09-23 21:02:19 (754)
    Na latod, te is elolvasod.
    [előzmény (752)]

    © editválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2005-09-23 17:55:46 (753)
    Szerintem ez vicces. Én azért írom be, hogy más is nevethessen. Akkor ezentúl majd a viccekhez írom.
    [előzmény (752)]

    © Rich_Kid_On_LSDválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2005-09-23 17:53:45 (752)
    most nem azért skacok, de tényleg nincs jobb dolgotok, minthogy minden nap belinkeljétek ide az összes velvet cikket? jó gagyi meg minden, de akkor minek olvassátok/reklámozzátok? a pp-n is vannak olyan hírek, amik még annyira sem foglalkoztatják az embert, mint győzike zebrái, vagy kiszel tünde véleménye saját adottságairól. Azért az interneten a saját honlapján had írjon már azt az ember, amit akar. az meg már csak a ti bajotok, ha még mindig fennakadtok a velvet minőségén, sőt ez csak titeket minősít.

    © editválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2005-09-23 17:40:55 (751)
    Ez is egy hír:

    © editválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2005-09-23 17:12:25 (750)
    Ez a nem semmi:

    Aztán rájöttem, ennek a fele se tréfa!" - meséli megpróbáltatásait az önmaga által még ma is kívánatosnak tartott Kiszel Tünde.

    © editválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2005-09-23 17:10:08 (749)
    Pont most raktam a mi történik most-ba, mert ezt a topicot nem találtam :D
    [előzmény (748)]

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