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© XviktorXválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2006-04-10 21:36:47 (1021)
The BONES BRIGADE "endless bummer" 10" will be repressed (with a new artwork) in time for the 2nd BONES BRIGADE euro tour.


© Barniválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2006-04-10 18:35:33 (1020)
Vagyis az már 24-e :-D
[előzmény (1018)]

© Barniválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2006-04-10 18:34:16 (1019)
2006. június 23-án játszanak a Freeportban. 02:30-03:00 óráig.
[előzmény (1018)]

© robitválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2006-04-10 18:32:52 (1018)
aztakurva. pesten mikor lesztek?
[előzmény (1017)]

© válasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2006-04-06 21:53:07 (1017)
Első BácsörcseR koncert 2006.04.15. Veresegyház!!! Bővebb info a www.bacsorcser.gportal.hu

© zsoc_válasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2006-04-04 21:58:23 (1016)
Res Sparowes Gear Stolen

Attn. Stockholm, Sweden - GEAR STOLEN - Please Repost

Hey all,

Unfortunately some of our gear was stolen after our show in Stockholm, Sweden. We realizes chances are slim but if anyone happens upon any of the following please rip the eyelids of the perpetrators and poor salt in their eyes, then let us know where we can collect our gear.


2 fender silver face 1970 twin reverb amps (on the cases it says "Nomads of Prague")
1 early 70's birch, 8 inch, red, tama snare, 14 x 8
1 22 inch zildjian K ride cymbal
1 20 inch zildjian K ride
1 20 inch zildjian K crash
2 14 inch zildjian HH Hi Hats
1 footswitch for a mesa boogie Mark 4 amp
1 standard throw Sanyo projector lense (PLC9000N)
40 Extra Large Red Sparowes shirts
25 Red Sparowes "At the Soundless Dawn" cds

There were some other smaller items (2 dvd players, a screen for our projections, a Sony Boombox, a box of roughly 80 dvds), but these are of minimal value.

Please forward this, if we can even get one of these items back it will help out a ton. Thanks very much,

Red Sparowes.

© (tematika)válasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2006-04-04 20:32:37 (1015)
óóóó,hogy #&^@ĐŁ meg ! :DDDDD
[előzmény (1014)]

© válasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2006-04-04 20:17:04 (1014)
Hát a szagod alapján....:D
[előzmény (1013)]

© (tematika)válasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2006-04-04 20:14:46 (1013)
jaaaaaajjj! azt hiszed nem láttam még vizet? :DDD
[előzmény (1012)]

© válasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2006-04-04 20:12:28 (1012)
Látatlanban ne mondj ilyenekt:)
[előzmény (1011)]

© (tematika)válasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2006-04-04 20:05:48 (1011)
kösz,inkább kihagynám.
[előzmény (1010)]

© válasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2006-04-04 19:56:09 (1010)
SZtem ha látnád, vagy éreznéd nem ezt mondanád!
[előzmény (1009)]

© (tematika)válasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2006-04-03 15:16:25 (1009)
nem tudom mit izgulnak ezek! a Tisza minden évben kiborul,mégsincs ekkora sopánkodás....

© Drizztválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2006-04-03 14:43:47 (1008)
Ilyenhez én még csak hasonlót sem láttam, de mondjuk csak két éve vagyok Bp-n.

© Mark Chapmanválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2006-04-02 12:04:50 (1007)
Nagyon nagy!
[előzmény (1005)]

© xzoleexválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2006-04-02 12:00:04 (1006)
Last week we listed members of bands who (either before or after)
tried out for other bands. Thanks to everyone who sent these in:

Wade Neal (Seaweed) tried out for Foo Fighters.
Greg Anderson (Sunn/Engine Kid/Brotherhood) tried out for Ozzy.
Matt Weider (Mouthpiece) tried out for Metroschifter.
Chuck Treece (McRad/Underdog) tried out for the Bad Brains.
John Pettibone (Undertow) tried out for Kid Dynamite
Steve Youth (7 Seconds) tried out for Metallica.
Dave Ellefson (Megadeth) reportedly did the same.
John Bush (Anthrax) tried out for Metallica.
Big John (Exploited) tried out for Nirvana.
Katon DePena (Hirax) auditioned for Bad Brains.
Mike Dean (COC) declined an offer to try out for Metallica.
Pepper Keenan (COC) later auditioned for Metallica.
Vic DiCara (Beyond/Inside Out/108) auditioned for The Scheme.
Todd Youth (Murphy's Law) tried out for the Red Hot Chili Peppers.
Chris Taynor (Orange 9mm/Fountainhead) tried out for Limp Bizkit.
Mike Scoville (One King Down) tried out for the Foo Fighters.
Bill McFadden (The Beltones) tried out for Dropkick Murphy's.

© Enforcerválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2006-04-01 10:32:01 (1005)
Ez? Akkor ezt hallgasd:

Összeállt a Swiz! Igaz Nathan nélkül, de amúgy az eredeti felállássa.
Íme, ezt mondta Jason Farell a livewire msg board-on:

"here's the answer to the swiz question from a couple of days ago

swiz" recordings? not exactly... but alex shawn dave and i have started tracking some new songs. don't hold your breath, if you thought retisonic was slow to get a recording done, i imagine "swiz" will be positively glacial - j farell"

[előzmény (1004)]

© localheroválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2006-03-31 09:55:04 (1004)
ez a hír bazz!!!

(Boston, USA – Reflections/Indecision)

July 14th - 24th, 2006

© KajbaszXXXválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2006-03-31 09:01:38 (1003)
Egy a lényeg: jöjjenek Európába, ha tényleg folytatják!
[előzmény (1000)]

© KajbaszXXXválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2006-03-31 09:00:15 (1002)
Nem. Én a 994-re írtam, ami a 992-re utalt, amiben a Dead Stop-ról van szó.;-)
[előzmény (1001)]

© XviktorXválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2006-03-31 00:22:19 (1001)
mármint a BB koncert? mert oda tuti megyünk így vagy úgy.
[előzmény (999)]

© Enforcerválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2006-03-28 21:59:53 (1000)

Confirming weeks of rumors, legendary New Jersey punk band Lifetime have signed to Decaydance, the imprint of Fueled By Ramen run by Fall Out Boy bassist Pete Wentz. Wentz posted the following statement regarding the signing on his journal:

"i am excited to announce that lifetime has signed to decaydance (fbr) records. mostly, because the world needs another lifetime record. this is a partnership before it is anything else- and i have an intense respect for this band. how they go about things will be unchanged whether they play 2 shows or 200 shows - or who they record with or what the new stuff sounds like. i am a super fan and its exciting to have the chance to hear new songs! more than anything i hope new kids who are fans of bands from this scene can see where all of us got much of our influence from."

The band, dormant from 1997 to 2005, reunited initially for the ill-fated Hellfest, but have since gone on to play sporadic shows on both the East and West Coasts, as well as an appearance at this year's South By Southwest festival. Currently, the band have no plans, recording or touring, but when that changes, we'll let you know.

© KajbaszXXXválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2006-03-25 09:58:29 (999)
Nem mentek? Engem érdekelne lehet...
[előzmény (995)]

© FearStanválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2006-03-23 17:35:05 (998)
cselekedni kéne:P
[előzmény (993)]

© xzoleexválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2006-03-22 09:16:03 (997)
NEWS ::: NEWS ::: NEWS ::: NEWS ::: NEWS ::: NEWS :::

  • From First To Last has signed to Capitol Records.
  • The Black Maria (ex-Grade, ex-New Day Rising) will begin recording their second full length album come April. Producer Mike Green who was on board for the last album, will once again be in tow.
  • Capitol Records will be releasing Capitol Albums Volume 2 on April 11th, a companion to The Beatles' 2004 collection that had their first four albums.

  • © Exaybachayválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2006-03-19 11:13:38 (996)
    ez szomorú hír :-(
    [előzmény (992)]

    © XviktorXválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2006-03-19 09:57:03 (995)
    jó, tudod milyen okokból új még ez nekem :PPPP
    [előzmény (994)]

    © válasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2006-03-19 09:40:30 (994)
    ez kissé régi :-/
    [előzmény (992)]

    © XviktorXválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2006-03-19 01:23:16 (993)

    megújult az oldal, meg már kint van kurva sok dátum, amin még nincs magyar :,(

    © XviktorXválasz erre | adatok | e-mail - 2006-03-19 01:03:30 (992)

    We all know that all good things must come to an end so let's not beat around the bush any longer, DEAD STOP is breaking up. Leaving behind a legacy of truly inspiring and consciously independent hardcore, insanely energetic and intense live shows and three raging, extremely well received releases, Belgium's finest are calling it a day. Their last show will take place on Saturday, May 20th at the equally legendary Lintfabriek in Kontich , Belgium . What better place could there be to write the final chapter of DEAD STOP's book than the very same venue that held their first show, their record release shows and many other insane DEAD STOP shows? It's a full circle type of thing. Here's the band's official statement as to why they are breaking up:

    "Though the decision to break up was a hard one to take, we feel like there is no better time to do it than now. We have accomplished everything we wanted to achieve with this band and then some. Rather than fizzling out like a candle we would like to go out with a bang, now that we are still fully enjoying what we do and before petty bullshit ruins what we have built throughout the last 4 years. We feel that with "Live For Nothing" we have written the best record we were capable of and have said everything we wanted to say with DEAD STOP. We've been all over Europe , from England to Greece and from Norway to Spain . We've toured the US twice. We got the chance to play our beloved Lintfabriek countless times and got to share the stage with a lot of the bands we greatly respect. We are grateful for all the support we've gotten and all the craziness and hardcore enthusiasts that followed us nearly anywhere we went but it is time for something new. New challenges and new bands.

    We started this band to pay tribute to the early 80's hardcore pioneers we all loved and most kids seemed to have forgotten about. At the same time we were sick of seeing lame bands playing watered down hardcore to bored crowds. With a lot of hard work we managed to gain monumentum rather quickly and soon played shows of which we could only have dreamed of playing before, plus we think we managed to open a lot of people's eyes to the truly important and often overlooked early 80's hardcore bands that inspired us and brought us together in the first place. We are proud of everything we have achieved and how we achieved it.

    Thank you all for your support and we hope to see you all on the 20th of May and/or at the other shows we'll be playing before we say goodbye.

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